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Elvis Ndoko
Pa, your departure is sudden! We however thank GOD, for giving us the privilege and blessing of You. Rest in Perfect Peace.
Christian Tufon
May. His soul redt in peace.
Edwin~Daniel Ndoko
I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. Dad you will continue to participate in every act, thought and decision I make.
Edwin~Daniel Ndoko
Your love leaves an indelible imprint in my memory. I find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared all the great things the world
Edwin~Daniel Ndoko
Could offer and unconditional love.They say love beyond the world cannot be separated by death. Death cannot kill what never dies.
Edwin~Daniel Ndoko
You are and will forever be in my thoughts Your Son Edwin~Daniel Ndoko
Dr. H. Njie and Family
Pa has gone to prepare the road for all of us. May the Lord grant the entire Ndoko family the strength during this difficult time.
Job Orji
It was a privilege knowing you and your family in my childhood. They don't make men like you anymore. RIP Sir.
Kinge Namanga
Papa you are our hero and you shall be remembered for generations to come by Bakweri children yet unborn. May God be with you.
George M. Esuke
Mr Ndoko, thanks for a legacy of always welcominng family to your home with open arms. My condolences to my aunt & cousins.
Emil & Ambrosia Mondoa
Mola, thank you for your excellent example of how to live a meaningful life with no regrets. You will be missed.
Manny Kunju
Brother Gervase, Our sincere condolence and sympathy to your entire family. May Pa find eternal rest and peace with the Lord. Kunju
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