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D.L Mukete RIP Pa March 20, 2012
Edwin and Francis, 
Pease  accept my sincere condolence fom my family.  I remember pa back in the days when he used to visit you guys in sasse.  May he find peace with the Lord .
Also lets celebrate the great job he did while with us on this earth.
Mola, I will keep you guys in my prayers.
Ashia  Mola
D. L. Mukete
Hoston, TX

Christopher McNnane Safe Journey Pa March 20, 2012
Mola Ndoko,

This is indeed sad news. We pray for strength and protection for you and family. Your dad is in a better place.
He lived a full life and gave you all his love. May his soul find peace with the Lord and may he live in eternal joy.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences.

McNnane and Family
Samuel Musenja Good Bye Uncle March 20, 2012

Your Dad, who was also my paternal uncle, led a good and exemplary life. May his soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Mokube Teke Farewell March 20, 2012
Mola Ndoko,

Accept my condolence for the passing on of Pa. Take heart and ask GOD to you the strength protection and guidance you will need during this trying moment.

Mokube Teke

M. M. Matute Adieu Mola Mbua Ndoko March 20, 2012
Dear Fako Community

We are all shocked and mourning the passing of Mola Mbua Ndoko earlier today. A statesman of the Bakweris, his contributions to our people directly and indirectly, are not only now recognized but will remain with us for a longtime to come. A bastion of the promotion and preservation of the Mokwe culture, Pa Ndoko has touched the lives of many and will continue to do so even in his passing.

A veritable friend of Fako America, this year as he did last year, he willingly accepted to assist with the FA Scholarship ceremony, when I called him just before the awards date. His encouragement and appreciation of FA projects, will remain with us.
We thank God for Pa Ndoko's life and we pray for the peaceful repose of his soul. We also pray for all his loved ones left behind in this hard times.
We the Whakpes mourn your transitioning
Adieu Mola Mbua Ndoko
M. M. Matute
President, Fako America

John Forseh May Mola's soul rest in Perfect Peace March 20, 2012

What a shocker...Wow...our condolence goes out to the Ndoko Family...May Mola's soul rest in Perfect Peace...
Our prayers goes out to the family, may the good Lord grant them the strength to handle such a huge loss...God knows best...
Wonna tie heart...
The Forseh's
John Forseh
Amisa Asima Wende di zuwelele March 20, 2012
May the soul of Mola Ndoko find eternal peace in Heaven.
My sincere sympathy goes generally to the entire Ndoko
Family at home and abroad, and especially to Mola Gervase,
Edwin, and Francis Ndoko. Papa is now in God's beautiful
Kingdom. We will miss him so dearly. He was, and will
ever remain our 'BAWERI DICTIONARY AND ICON', as he
supplied us all with those 'mokpwe proverbs', that only him
alone could explain their origin and meaning. He was the 'BEST
R.I.P Mola Mbua Ndoko. Your time on this earth was so well
spent, but a better agenda awaits you in God's Kingdom.
'Wende di zuwelele"!.

Dr. Vefonge Njie Farewell Mola March 20, 2012

I never got an opportunity to meet your dad but looking at his kids, I can say that he was a great man. Please accept my condolence on his demise and may his soul rest in peace.

Dr. Vefonge Njie
Dentist (Medunsa)
Eposi Menyoli Good Bye Uncle March 20, 2012
Mola Gervas and Edwin,

Just a short note to let you know you all are in our prayers. We thank God for Mola's life.
We pray God  give you all the energy you need to go through this morning period.
My deepest Sympathy to Aunty.
Courage to you all.

Eposi Menyoli (On behalf of the Sikod's Family)

Mola Gustav Jeme Safe Journey Papa March 20, 2012
Please take heart, this is a very difficult time for you and the entire family.

Mola Gustav Jeme
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