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Francis Tansinda Good Bye Uncle March 20, 2012
Dear Gervase, I am sorry to learn of the passing of Pa. May the Almighty comfort you during this time. May He give you the energy to cope with the realities of the loss but also the understanding, belief, faith and strength to THANK HIM for Pa's long and very SUCCESSFUL life on earth. Let it be a reminder to us all especially at this lenten time, that we are dust and to dust we shall ALL return. May Pa's soul rest in peace. I will call you.

Francis Tansinda (Manchester, UK).
Daniel Egbewatt Safe Journey Dad March 20, 2012
I am sorry to learn of the death of your dad, a true gentleman indeed. May papa's soul rest in peace.
The Molua Lambe Family RIP Mola Ndoko March 20, 2012
Mola Edwin and the entire Ndoko Family,
Please accept our sincere and heart felt sympathy for this very sad news. Though your Dad is physically not going to be here on earth, take comfort in the fact that he will forever be alive in your hearts. Your Dad has gone to be with his Heavenly Father 'cause his work here was done and he did such a marvelous job at that. We wish that as a family, you all find the comfort knowing that he is resting, you all find the peace knowing that he is with His Heavenly Father and you all rejoice in his memory and life that he lived while here on earth. We will keep you all in our prayers. Stay blessed now and always,

The Molua Lambe Family,
Keller, TX
Allotey Emmanuel yondo swelele March 20, 2012
We are dust and unto dust we shall return.
Yondo yondo yondo, yondo swelele.
  yondo swelele; yondo swelele, eh,
  yondo swelele eh; yondo swelele,

==> Papa koco no ma wende nanu, yondo swelele...
 yondo swelele e yondo swelele - eh yondo swelele...
Sango Mot'a Muenya
N.W. DC.
Mola David Makongo Good Bye Mola March 20, 2012
Wonya Ndoko
"Ekake meaema!!! We all have lost an extraordinary Fako father, who only happened to be your own biological father. All of Fako feels the pain and share in the loss and mourning of a fallen great Fako monument - "Mola Mbua Ndoko - na meana me Vwakwe."
Our hearts and prayers stick with all of you during these trying times.
Mola Makongo & family
Ben Akabueze Good Bye March 20, 2012
Dear Mola,
Please accept my condolence. May God comfort you and all the family at this time.


Mola Otto Mbambe Ikome Good Bye Mola March 20, 2012
Mola Ndoko (Gervase),
Please accept heart felt condolences from my family for the passing of Pa Ndoko. He fully accomplished his mission here on earth and you, his children, will proudly and confidently carry on his legacy. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Mola Otto Mbambe Ikome
Mola Likine Farewell Uncle March 20, 2012
Mola Ndoko,
Sorry to read about the death of your father! On behalf of your BAA-USA family, please accept our condolence and extend same to the entire Ndoko family as well. Think of all the good times that you spent with your dad and celebrate his legacy. It's always hard to lose a loved one. Stay strong and things will only get better with time!
Mola Likine
Mola Teddy Efesoa Mokosso. Safe Journey Mola March 20, 2012
Mola, Mbua Mbua Ndoko:
A seasoned and accomplished trained colonial administrator, whose indelible imprints on the early days of independence, especially our West Camerroon days will never be forgotten by those who knew him in that capacity. Amiable, soft spoken, imaginative, he held crowds spellbound in speech, and in his proverbial Bakweri, he was a sage of no mean order.
Mola Ndoko, along with my late brother, Stephen Ndeley Mokosso who died in Great Britain in May 2004, and Mola Njoh
Litumbe were among the pioneers of the premier and famous St. Joseph’s College Sasse. We regret the passing away of this noble, progressive and patriotic son of Bakweri, and while we mournfully regret his demise, we humbly pray that the Lord grants him eternal rest. So, we say to him, Requiescat in Pace.
Mola Teddy Efesoa Mokosso.
Iya Mamua. Mola, Safe Journey March 20, 2012
May his soul rest in perfect peace and may the Lord comfort and keep you.

Iya Mamua.
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