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Emmanuel N N Eben I remember your Dad March 20, 2012
Ashia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Take heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember your dad too well as the SDO of kumba in 1971.We were next door neighbours.
Now i always saw him walking up towards Buea town in his pullover as i drive to Court at times.
Your dad was a gentleman and ``make no mistake about it``
Be strong and keep the faith

Emmanuel N.N EBEN
Advocate & Solicitor
Ebong & Eben Law firm
Immeuble SuperMont
P.O box 3540
Tel/fax (+237)33420796
Edwin~Daniel Ndoko Son March 20, 2012

I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death.  Dad you will continue to participate in every act, thought and decision I make. 

Your love leaves an indelible imprint in my memory.  I find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared all the great things the world could offer and unconditional love.

They say love beyond the world cannot be separated by death.  Death cannot kill what never dies.

You are and will forever be in my thoughts

Your Son

Edwin~Daniel Ndoko

Kinge Namanga You officiated and signed at my wedding. March 20, 2012

Your departure remains a big loss for me. You officiated as Mayor in my wedding at the Council Chambres in Buea. You have been at the forefront of Bakweri culture for many years. We your children will always remember you and keep the struggle for an authentic Bakweri culture alive. Go in peace and may God Almighty be with you in Heaven until we meet again to part no more in glorious resDurrection.

Kinge Namanga
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Harmony Bobga Mbuton Accept heartfelt condolences March 19, 2012
Dear Gervase,

Accept heartfelt condolences from us. I recall the fond memories of Pa as SDO Kumba when we were all in primary school. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

Harmony Bobga Mbuton (Esq.)
Abalu-Bobga & Co. Law Firm
Che Street, Ntarinkon Quarter
P. O. Box 148, Bamenda
(237) 7777 01 56, 7339 72 39, or 9984 08 19

Job Orjioke I remember Paa Ndoko March 19, 2012
Paa Ndoko, How Can I Forget You!

I remember Paa Ndoko so well....the neat dresser, the quiet gentleman, the efficient civil servant, the devout Catholic, the good husband, the loving father to his children. Yes, I remember him still with the eyes of a seven year old mass servant in RCM Buea Town...in the days when Fathers VanDer Vlught and Lambert and Awa and Ndichia and Atang and Vedzekov still said mass at Saint Anthony's Buea.

And Bishop Peteers presided over the South west and Northwest Provinces

And my father Mr Augustine Orji along with Mr Kofi Mossima sang in the choir and my mom, Mama Comfort Orji along with Maa Ndoko, Mrs Anoma and Mrs Tumenta was in the Catholic Women Association Buea.

Yes, I remember Paa Ndoko....in the days when Mrs Cheyip, Mrs Tugem, Mrs Anoma and Messrs Ambe, Musa and Njungep still taught at RCM Buea Town and Ewungkem and Nangoh and Essomba and Musenge and Atangana and Didi and Ogbonnia still played for Prisons Football Club in Buea Town. In those days, Mary Camara played Eboa Lotin's records from Radio Buea.

That was a long time ago but I still remember him

I knew him then as the father to my friend, brother and classmate Gervase. Gervase and I served mass together, sat in class together, ate school lunch together and played pranks together. We served mass with a bunch of other kids at the time - Gervase Endeley, Emmanuel Doh, John Ngamkong, Zack Orji, Alphonsus Foum, Augustine Akwarandu, John Elad, Eric Anoma etc.

Gervase and I separated after class 7; he to Sasse and I to Birocol .....only to meet again in Chicago in 2004....after 33 years.

Yes, I remember Paa Ndoko...the one who sat with Prime Ministers Jua and Muna and Foncha every Independence Day march past at the Buea Township Stadium with his daughter, big sister Elizabeth leading the RCM School Buea Town in its march past, her dexterous arms swinging the stick to the beat of the marching band...and doing so with the ease and elan that only a practised hand could muster.

Yes, I still have memories of him from those good old days when civil servants carried their offices with professional dignity; and good parenting and marital loyalty were considered good virtues.

I remember going to the internet in 2006, shortly after I reconnected with Gervase to look him up and finding a repertoire of Bakweri folklores that he had compiled.They are titled "Wisdom and Ways Of The Bakweri People" (http://fakoamerica.typepad.com/mola_ndoko/).

The Bible, in describing the wisdom of King Solomon said of him that he wrote three thousand proverbs and 1005 songs. He spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon to the hyssop that springs out of the wall: he also spoke of beasts, fowls, creeping things, and fishes. And kings, queens and commoners came from all over the world to hear the wisdom of Solomon.
Pa Ndoko wrote many proverbs like the wise king Solomon. In his writings of the Bakweri people, he speaks of animals and plants and weather patterns common to Bakweri land. He tells us of songs and parables and skirmishes and wars of yesteryears. He delves into the etymology of Bakweri words, the history of certain Bakweri towns and the origin of some myths and common folklore. 

And I remember spending most of the night feasting on them and using the stories to regress into my childhood years in Buea; and looking forward to the day when University of Buea scholars in Anthropology, Bakweri Literature and Comparative African Art would take time to compile his anthologies and open them up for critical analysis.

That is why my eyes moistened in tears when I learnt of his passing from my friend and brother Gervase. I was angry. Yes! Angry at the arrogance of death....the stealth with which it strikes and the brashness with which it truncates human plans

Yet as I sit here and pen down these words, I lack the authority to judge death except through the window of grace given me by our Lord Jesus Christ. For He alone went into the belly of death and took its keys and so was able to defeat death and set that as a pattern for all who call upon His name. 
But until Jesus returns to take His saints home, death remains the path of all flesh.
It brings home to us the reality that the positions we strive to attain in life, the wealth we accumulate, the pleasures we treasure most, the titles we seek on earth and the power we obtain and retain on this side of eternity will one day, all vanish like mist before a dawn.....when death strikes
Yet one day, even this beast called death...this demonic prince that Scriptures refer to as the last enemy of man, will be swallowed up in victory and man shall live to die no more

Yes...that is our consolation as Christians. Jesus defeated death and we have to comfort ourselves with this reality.

As we make plans to inter Paa Ndoko, let us celebrate his life and thank God for the years that he spent with us and the joy that he brought into our lives.

And let us remember that death has been swallowed up in the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Paa Ndoko, may Heaven open its doors to you as you begin a new journey...a new life...

Job Orjioke - March 19, 2012
Atlanta GA 30066

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